Integrated Solar Timber Facade
For new & old buildings.
A modulated façade system for new buildings to achieve net zero energy status. Net zero energy being defined as producing more energy in the summer than using in the winter.
To give new life to old buildings and an increase in floor area of up to 20%. The extra floor area should finance the new façade. The goal is net zero energy status
An integrated solar facade system using solar cells (electricity), solar collectors (hot water) and solar ducts (hot air).
Decentralised computer controlled room heating, hot water and pre-warmed fresh air in each floor fuelled by the 3 types of solar units
Use of timber as an ecologically sound building material. The floors are a wood/concrete system to allow for sufficient sound & fire requirements.
Prefabrication of all timber facade elements to allow for fast construction. The construction is independent of the main building, except for foundations.
Developed in collaboration with Kämpfen für Architektur ag, Zürich, Switzerland.